What's with those boats?
By Sarah Mairo
Dinghies, skiffs, rowboats ... call them what you want. They line the granite walls and docks in the various harbors in Rockport, Massachusetts.
They are not the kind of rowboats you'd take out for an afternoon in Central Park or Hyde Park, London. These are "working" boats. They wait for their owner to paddle them a short distance to their lobster or fishing boats.
I've been asked many questions about my boat paintings ...
"What are those round white things in the boats?" Milk jugs cut in half to bail out rain water.
"Why aren't there any oar locks?" Since they are only rowing a short distance, one oar is enough. It's also easy to stand up so some boats don't have any seats.
"Where are the oars, some of the boats don't have any oars in them?" I suspect if the owner leaves the oar(s) in the boat, teenagers or tourists may take them out for a spin :)
How great are the colors and shapes, the shadows and reflections?
I love painting them!!
Hi Pat and Hugh. Hooray, I am so happy to hear that you bought the painting from Simply! How great that you were just up in Rockport too, isn’t it beautiful?! When I go up to Rockport I usually don’t have enough time to paint but I love poking around the harbors and getting photos of the boats. Thanks for your message, enjoy your new painting and please stay in touch!
we just bought the painting in the window of simply, we had to have it. Did you paint this in rockport. we were there 2 weeks ago. love your work